sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

Post 8 >> A Subject You've enjoyed studyng this semester

Hi! As you know, when I had my baby I left the university for one semester. So now I have subjects from different years. My favorite is Quaternary Geomorphology. This subject explains how the weather as we know it today, the sea level, and the sedimentary structures have their explanation in the quaternary period. So in classes the main contents that we have seen are: what is the Quaternary Period and his characteristics; the sedimentology or how the process of erosion, transport and deposition of sediments give rise to the sedimentary structures that we see today; and now we are seeing alluvial and gravitational systems. 
My professor is very good, and his methodology too. So he show us a lot of photographs and videos to explain us everything, and this is great now that we can not go to field trips, sometimes he use Google Earth to show us places, and complement this with the analysis of photographs. This is a subject that correspond to the fourth semester really, so this is like the repetition and there are just a few student so this also helps to the learning process.     
I love this subject because is very interesting, and also is important to be able to prevent nature risks and protect the environment. 

viernes, 17 de julio de 2020

Post 7. My bucket list

Hi! Today I'm going to talk about my bucket list. I think that some activities that I would include are:
finish my college career, buy a house with a big backyard, take a postgraduate degree in Europe, go with my baby to the sea, learn more about birds, travel all across South America and go to a scape room. 
Of course there is a lot of things that I already crossed out of my bucket list, like plant a tree, camp with my sisters, my boyfriend, my baby and my brothers in law, travel with my boyfriend, adopting a dog, do volunteer work, etc. 
The most part of the activities on my bucket list I wish I could make them true with mi boyfriend and my dear son. But there is a lot too that I would like to do alone, I think it's so important to do that, and learn to be with ourselves  and put objectives in our life. So I think that my bucket list is not finished, I would like to never stop dreaming and imagine things that I could do and work to make them true. 

domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Post 6. A Person on my field that I admire

Hi! Today I'm going to talk about Gladys Armijo Zúñiga. She was a teacher of History and Geography and doctor in Geography. She was a director of the Geography departament of our University. She pass away in february, 2008 aged 67. 
I knew about her when I studied in Pedagógico, there my teachers were her disciples. I became very close to some of them and had a lot of long conversations about Gladys and the ideas that she defended.

The first text that I read of her was "Antagonismos y Contradicciones en la Nueva Ruralidad del Campo de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago". Here she explains how the neoliberalism has change the dynamics in the field, how the farmers become proletarians or another working methods, like the women who started to work as temporary workers in agriculture activities. 
She is really a powerful example of ethic in the academy, what I like more of her work is how she always put the focus of her investigations in the Space full of significances, and not like an abstraction. 
I really think that her work should be more recognized, but the academy is very full of egos and sexism. So my invitation is to read her and follow her example, making our work as geographers with dedication and ethic. 

Post 10 >> Some reflections

This first semester 2020 has been very hard. Of course a lot of good things happened, I'm really happy about spending time with my baby,...